Annual Meeting Of Sailing In The US

Sarasota is continuously attracting events in place; either it is related to cultural activity or sports.

With regards to continues sports event, Sarasota is attracting sports event of various niches. Recently it has attracted 2018 World Sailing Annual Conference that is going to take place in 2018. The conference will take place in the United States for the first time.

It is not like this is the only sailing event that Sarasota is holding. In addition to Annual conference of World Sailing, the central point of tourism is also holding congress of offshore racing and forum of yacht racing. Both the events will be conducted at the same time.

The conference of world sailing 2016 held in Barcelona and it was participated by 400 participants coming from over 100 countries around the world. Now, when events will happen in Sarasota, then people associated with the event are presuming that over 1000 people will participate in the event. And because the conference is going to happen the first time in the United States, thus participation is likely to be more.

After the World championship the conference is going to be the second largest event of sailing sport that will take place first time in the United States. Sarasota County Sports Commission director shared his thought about the conference and said “We are very happy to hold an event like this and it is good that we are getting introduced to new sports as well. Sailing is big sport and its annual conference is also going to be a big event. We have to make all required arrangements for the event. It is our privilege to get guests like this and we want to make it sure that people like our hospitality and come to the same place again and again for such events”.

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